Aqua Duck Families,
Each year the Acton Aqua Ducks Swim Team holds our annual gift basket Christmas draw. Our veteran families know how this works but as new families join there is often some confusion as to what it’s for and how it works.
What it’s for:
Our team is a community team that is run by volunteers and annual fundraising is important to cover expenses that are incurred through the year. Session fees help cover pool rental, coaches’ salaries, and insurance. The club will often require training equipment and training aids that need to be purchased. The club also requires a cash reserve to be able to pay for registration fees prior to receiving our swimmers registration fees.
How It Works:
As part of the club, we require each family to make a donation for our Christmas draw. We only require 1 donation per family. This donation can be in the form of a minimum $25 cash donation which will be used to purchase items for our gift baskets. Alternatively, you can donate gifts or items that can be used to fill our gift baskets. Items such as spirits, gift cards, chocolates, candies, crackers etc. would be greatly appreciated. Any other items that you can procure from work, friends or other donations would be great too.
Each family will be given a minimum of one book of tickets for the basket draw. We expect each family to sell a minimum of one book of tickets. These tickets can be sold to your family members, friends, co-workers, customers, or employees. Once you have sold your first book, feel free to come back and ask for more, we’ll be happy to get some for you.
On December 22, we will have a draw for the winning baskets. This year we have 3 baskets valued at $500+, $250 + and $150 +.